No awareness - No self-empowerment
Self-empowerment of clients is based on awareness of the situation, awareness of their goal(s) (vision, purpose and objectives) and awareness of possible next steps. This is the core of the Empiric Coaching Model.
Mindfulness Coaching - Embodied presence
Awareness, however, can be at different levels. A more superficial level is cognitive awareness - thinking about things. It can even translate into recognition and process change in teams and organisations. It is this practical level that is explored in Empiric Coaching Training.
If one is serious about developing coaching competencies, there is a deeper level of awareness that is more foundational and leads to a natural balanced state of self. And this level is explored and developed through mindfulness - direct embodied presence. The first person to be rooted in presence during the coaching process is the coach.
We are developing extensive Mindful Coaching Training and aim to deliver it at the ICF PCC accreditation level. If you are interested in such training subscribe, we'll inform you about upcoming events.